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Parting Cuts

by Beach Comber

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Herb thumbnail
Herb Thanks Rory for talking about the backround of this album. I can see various pictures while listening to this musical pearl.
For me, it is a positive sister to Eddy Vedders "Into the wild" - Album.
Thanks a lot for doing awesome music, man.
Cidimon Arustavi
Cidimon Arustavi thumbnail
Cidimon Arustavi Walking around saying, "they say there be monster here." I'm getting some serious Karen O/Where The Wild Things Are vibes from this. Favorite track: Two Set Sail.
gozzer thumbnail
gozzer Thanks for releasing this! I need your music to stay up, it always makes me feel better :) Thanx Thanx thanx!!!
Love"Kaikoura redesigned", nice to hear how that song is born
Gnarkour thumbnail
Gnarkour Another shining example of the talent of the NI music scene, this music feels distinct from Rory's work in ASIWYFA yet still familiar (very familiar in the case of Kaikoura). Next time I'm up on the North Coast, I'm gonna be listening to this album non-stop, this music reminds me so much of that area. Favorite track: Two Do Battle With the Mountain (So On You Go).
PortBreak1 Roger
PortBreak1 Roger thumbnail
PortBreak1 Roger Antrim - solo release of Rory Friers, band member of And So I Watch You From Afar Favorite track: Kickin Back in Saquarema.
Hey Rory, not seen or spoken to you in a long time...just wanted to say thank you for this. This has been a beautiful and optimistic soundtrack to an early start today. Fantastic, delicate and intricate songwriting. The original intendees for this album must have been incredibly special. Hope you are ok. Big loves. (Baltic)Lloyd.
Parting Cuts 00:00 / 03:42
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Parting Cuts 03:42
Two Set Sail 04:21
Kaikoura 01:17


Parting Cuts by Beach Comber

Things happen in a weird way sometimes. This record was never meant to be heard by a lot of people, but now seemed like a good time to put it out there.

Recorded a few years ago in the upstairs of a little farm house near the beach on the North coast of Antrim. Its was made for two very special people in my life.
It documents their beautiful but heart breaking year travelling the world together and it was a gift to them on their wedding day.

Its a collection of songs about people, for people and it seemed like now, more than ever, was a good time to celebrate those ideas.

I hope you enjoy them.

Like many of us this is a really rough patch we're going though, without being able to play shows purchasing my music is a way you can support me and other musicians out there. You can download it for free if you’re in a tight spot yourself, but on the other hand if you can afford it, just know that it means the world to me at this time.

Much love and respect,


released April 24, 2020

Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by Rory Friers
Album Artwork by Imogen Donegan
Additional instruments and vocals by Julian Friers, Jill Friers & Ewen Friers


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Rory Friers Belfast, UK

Rory Friers is a musician from the North Coast of Antrim. This is where you can buy his music.

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